Numerous posts expressing discontent have surfaced regarding this matter, and given the developers’ receptivity to player feedback, I wanted to add my voice to the conversation.

I implore the return of the level scaling mechanism from the pre-season period, and hope can get more diablo 4 gold rewards in-game.

The concept of monsters scaling to match your character’s level contributed to a more engaging and valuable open world experience, without posing any inherent issues. In fact, I suggest taking it a step further—make elites scale to level+5, and bosses to level+10.

My perspective stems from my journey as a player who took a frozen orb sorceress to level 94 during the pre-season, and my approach wasn’t precisely aligned with the meta. Having experienced level scaling firsthand, I can affirm that it added a layer of enjoyment. It ensured that all areas within the game offered both challenge and rewards as one ventured through the map and pursued side content. In my personal experience, the open world remained a formidable challenge until around levels 60-70. Subsequently, my gear enhancements, skill improvements, and paragon gains would outpace the enemies. Beyond level 70, I’d dominate the open world while still accruing meaningful XP from engaging in whispers, helltides, and normal dungeons. For an even more demanding experience, I’d undertake higher NM dungeons.

“But it gives the impression of weakening as you level up, which feels discouraging.” This perspective is flawed. The pace at which your power escalates due to gear, skills, and paragon growth far outstrips the baseline power of enemies. This is precisely why you can excel in NM dungeons. If you encountered a sense of frailty in the open world at the endgame stage, there might be an underlying issue with your approach to gameplay.

“But it leaves no areas where encounters feel more manageable.” This assertion is incorrect. You can revisit World Tier 1 & 2, where level caps are set at 50. Here, you can navigate with ease, annihilate foes, bask in a sense of godlike might, and acknowledge your character’s remarkable growth.

Subsequently, you might find the allure of more challenging content compelling and transition back accordingly.

“But it diminishes the significance of milestones and offers no tougher areas to conquer.” This viewpoint also misses the mark. Strongholds possess specific minimum levels, serving as benchmarks and challenges. Capstone dungeons serve a similar role. The transition to WT3 and then WT4 functions as a progression benchmark, along with ascending through progressively challenging NM dungeons.

Having recently switched from D2R (where level scaling is limited to tormented regions) to Diablo 4, where experience and loot acquisition isn’t confined to specific zones, the distinction is truly refreshing. I earnestly request the reinstatement of this feature!

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