The secret mining spot and the elusive Chase Eagle have been overwhelming. In my previous article, I hinted at the secret mining location, and a lot of you were eager to know more about it. Despite some backlash for spoiling the game’s secrets, I’ve decided to dive deeper and reveal the location of Chase Eagle. So, let’s not waste any time and get straight into the details.

Finding Fisher on Theo Island:

To kick things off, Fisher, the character pivotal to unlocking the secrets, is located on SEO Island, just east of Orca Bay. You’ll find me casually leaning against a barrel, and to interact with Fisher, you’ll need two worn Jolly Roger Flags.

These Jolly Roger Flags are obtained through the Pirate Plunder Purge Quest. You don’t necessarily have to complete the quest; participating in the dynamic event will earn you a varying number of worn Jolly Roger Flags as a reward. Fisher only requires one of these flags to complete the last section of the Artifact Journal.

Chase Eagle’s Quest:

After completing Fisher’s part, the next step is to find Chase Eagle. To begin this quest, follow the path around the bottom of the gray line on the map. It’s crucial to stay parallel to the path and follow the video’s instructions, maneuvering through tree lines and palm trees until you reach a special entrance.

Upon entering, you’ll encounter a few pirate thugs. Defeat them and navigate through the cave until you reach the end. There, you’ll finally meet Mr. Chase Eagle himself. However, the quest doesn’t end here; you’ll need to provide Chase Eagle with another worn Jolly Roger Flag.

Make sure you have two Jolly Roger Flags in total – one for completing the 10 Lost Shipments section with Fisher and the other for Chase Eagle. Upon presenting the flag to Chase Eagle, you’ll complete this section of the Pirate Isles, unlocking a hidden location in the middle of the ocean, just south of Harbor Island.

The Secret Mining Location:

I revealed a secret mining location just south of Harbor Island, unlocked by completing the Chase Eagle quest. This secluded spot promises valuable resources for dedicated players willing to embark on this challenging journey. It’s the perfect place for those seeking hidden treasures and unique mining opportunities.

Addressing Backlash:

Now, I understand that some players are upset about spoilers and secrets being revealed, as seen in various Reddit posts. However, in the world of gaming, sharing discoveries and helping fellow players is a tradition as old as the games themselves. While some may prefer to explore every nook and cranny without guidance, others appreciate the community’s assistance in uncovering the game’s hidden gems.


In conclusion, Ravendawn Online continues to captivate players with its intricate quests, secret locations, and challenging tasks. The Chase Eagle quest is just one example of the game’s depth, requiring players to explore, battle, and strategize to unlock its full potential. So, whether you’re a lone adventurer or part of a gaming community, embrace the excitement of discovery in the vast virtual world of Ravendawn Online.

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